SafeScript Pharmacy Partners With Manufacturers to Provide Unparalleled Care for Patients Needing Specialty Medications
We work side-by-side with manufacturers to develop customized data-collecting programs that meet the needs of each partner.
- Benefits investigation
- Patient assessments
- Financial assistance
- Medication notes tracking
- Communication tools
- Customized data reporting
- Drug availability
- Prescription support
- Patient refills
- Patient adherence program
- Local relationships with providers information
- Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS)
- Elements to Assure Safe Use (ETASU)
- Monitoring for potential side effects or adverse effects
- Adverse event reporting
We Minimize Risk and Maximize Benefit to Patients with REMS and ETASU
SafeScript Pharmacy is prepared to partner with manufacturers to assist in compliance with the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) and Elements to Assure Safe Use (ETASU) programs for medications with higher risk safety profiles. We are unwavering in our commitment to the safety of our patients and have stringent protocols in place for regular, timely reporting to manufacturers on patients who are receiving these medications. In addition to our comprehensive reports, we are equipped to assist with risk analysis, quality evaluation, and audit preparedness for REMS and ETASU.
Our Commitment to Patient Adherence, Safe Use, and Quality Care
SafeScript Pharmacy is more than just a pharmacy. We have built relationships with providers that treat a wide range of chronic and rare conditions, allowing us to constantly communicate with physicians in order to coordinate the highest quality of care for each patient. Additionally, we work with providers to educate them on specialty medications.
We are committed to our patients and maintain constant communication with each patient throughout the treatment process. We offer comprehensive care to each patient, which includes:
- Clinical pharmacist available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Disease management programs tailored specifically to specific medications
- Prescription refills and home/office delivery of medications to patients
Our High Touch Care Model
A high touch philosophy of care has been proven to increase patient adherence. At SafeScript Pharmacy, we view ourselves as a critical part of the patient’s comprehensive healthcare team.
- Patient education
- Obtaining prior authorizations
- Locating financial assistance
- Medication monitoring
Clinical Utilization Management Support
Our talented pharmacist team conducts thorough prescription review as part of our clinical utilization management support protocol. This includes:
- Medication dosing assessment
- Proper indication checks
- Renewal assessment prior to continuation of therapy
We ensure that the prescribed medication is the correct therapy for each individual patient, for the patient’s particular disease state, and at the correct dose. This program plays a key role in our continuous efforts to maximize safety, effectiveness, and positive health outcomes. Careful review, monitoring, and reporting through clinical utilization management support also allows us to limit medication waste and reduce overall cost while putting safety first.
Add SafeScript Pharmacy to Your Network of Limited Distribution Pharmacies
If you’re interested in working with SafeScript Pharmacy and would like to add us to your network of limited distribution pharmacies, call us at 3527938000 / 3527489900 or contact us online.
Our clinical coordinators work with each patient to create a personalized clinical management program specific to the needs of the patient’s diagnosis, overall health status, prescribed medications, and social service needs.

URAC Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation
To receive the URAC Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation, SafeScript Pharmacy has continuously demonstrated excellence in quality, reporting, and accuracy, in addition to having a patient management strategy that includes communication, patient education, and coordination of care.

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)
We are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for compliance with the highest national standards for effectively and efficiently delivering quality healthcare products and services to consumers. If you have any concerns about the product or service that you receive from SafeScript Pharmacy, you may contact ACHC directly at 352 793 8000.

URAC Mail Service Pharmacy Accreditation
We are accredited URAC’s Mail Service Pharmacy to compliance with the highest standards for customer service, communications and disclosure, drug utilization management, pharmacy operations, and a process for mail service outcomes measurement and quality improvement services, which helps delivering quality healthcare products and services to patients.